Everton Park  07 3355 1422
Mitchelton  07 3354 3341

Everton Park (538 South Pine Road) 07 3355 1422  |  Mitchelton (Suite 1/17 Blackwood Street) 07 3354 3341

Swish Dental

What Can Invisalign® Fix?.

If you or your child need to straighten your teeth, but you don't like the thought of braces, you mi.....
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Is Fluoride Safe in Drinking Water?.

Fluoride is a natural mineral that is routinely added to local water supplies at safe levels to help.....
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How Much Does It Usually Cost for Dental Implants?.

If you want to replace missing or badly decayed teeth, or give more support to existing dentures, de.....
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How to Stop Grinding Your Teeth.

Do you grind or clench your teeth when you're sleeping, stressed or at other times? Involuntary teet.....
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How Do I Get Rid of Bad Breath?.

Anyone can suffer from bad breath from time to time, but if you have a frequent or persistent breath.....
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What to Do If a Tooth Is Knocked Out.

Losing a tooth can be a shocking experience, but trying to stay calm and knowing what to do can prev.....
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What Are the Causes of Tooth Wear?.

Teeth can wear down naturally with age and use, but this can happen more rapidly as a result of your.....
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What Is the Best Age for Dental Implants?.

Missing or badly decayed teeth are more than a cosmetic concern. They could also affect your diet an.....
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